
Goal 1 (short term)

Finish the 2 year Outdoor Recreation programme to the best of my ability one day at a time.

Kayak, climbing sub goal: being able to smoothly teach Lisa (my partner) all I have learned confidently an improve my own skills in the process.

Kayak skill goal:Be able to consecutively pull off a hand roll.

Rock climbing Skill Goal: streathen and learn better techniques with my body to be able to hold my self on over hanging ledgers.

Bush Skill Goal: Learn names and stories involved with tramps I do

Goal 2 (mid term)
Advance into a career in outdoor pursuits from the skills I have gained from this two year programme and share my love of outdoor pursuits and enthusiasm with others.

Goal 3 (long term)
Bike around the world fundraising for cancer, write a book of this adventure and myself. Outdoor Recreation will help me extensively in this goal from planning and organisation through to getting the right contacts.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Self Employment Achievement:

Self Employment Achievement:

After working in the mines of Australia I started up my own business called Good Guard working in Aluminium fabrication.

When: February 2008 to October 2009

Who with: Myself

What I learned: I learned so much, I failed in Business which progressed myself enormously in life

What I did right: Always smiling no matter what.

What I did wrong: So Many people offered advice and help and I was too proud to except this help.

Interesting fact: Port Hedland’s Harbour has the highest exportation of export in weight then any other port in the world.

My self built and designed mobile workshop: It has a Drop saw along the right side, work bench at back with 2 vices, large and small tool boxes for tool storage, generator in middle powering 12 power points, air compressor at front to power air riveter, air drill, nail gun, air stapler and air gun all plumbed into trailer giving connection points at front, middle and back.

Design drawing and finished product of my secretary screen, the client wanted a good looking practical screen to separate the general public from office staff. This was my first job and is what I built the mobile workshop for as I didn’t have a place for fabrication the job also included 3 security doors.

Lyle Gilbert St John Ambulance Port Hedland Manager, happy with his new Security door and posing to be in the new Good Guard Brochure.

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