
Goal 1 (short term)

Finish the 2 year Outdoor Recreation programme to the best of my ability one day at a time.

Kayak, climbing sub goal: being able to smoothly teach Lisa (my partner) all I have learned confidently an improve my own skills in the process.

Kayak skill goal:Be able to consecutively pull off a hand roll.

Rock climbing Skill Goal: streathen and learn better techniques with my body to be able to hold my self on over hanging ledgers.

Bush Skill Goal: Learn names and stories involved with tramps I do

Goal 2 (mid term)
Advance into a career in outdoor pursuits from the skills I have gained from this two year programme and share my love of outdoor pursuits and enthusiasm with others.

Goal 3 (long term)
Bike around the world fundraising for cancer, write a book of this adventure and myself. Outdoor Recreation will help me extensively in this goal from planning and organisation through to getting the right contacts.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Bush (Personal)

Where:Lake Waikaremoana
When: February 2010

Who with: Myself

What I learned: Don’t be in a rush to prove to someone you can do it fast… you end up reading maps wrong and taking a wrong turn that ads 4 hours to your day because you don’t notice until you have walked 2 hours the wrong way!

What I did right: I filled out an intentions form at the DOC office.

What I did wrong: Comes under what I learned.

Interesting fact: Awesome views are not seen when it rains but I enjoy walking in the bush in the rain.

 This was found at the start of the Great Walk section of my tramp.

When the rain stopped and the cloud cleared there were amazing views to take in.

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