
Goal 1 (short term)

Finish the 2 year Outdoor Recreation programme to the best of my ability one day at a time.

Kayak, climbing sub goal: being able to smoothly teach Lisa (my partner) all I have learned confidently an improve my own skills in the process.

Kayak skill goal:Be able to consecutively pull off a hand roll.

Rock climbing Skill Goal: streathen and learn better techniques with my body to be able to hold my self on over hanging ledgers.

Bush Skill Goal: Learn names and stories involved with tramps I do

Goal 2 (mid term)
Advance into a career in outdoor pursuits from the skills I have gained from this two year programme and share my love of outdoor pursuits and enthusiasm with others.

Goal 3 (long term)
Bike around the world fundraising for cancer, write a book of this adventure and myself. Outdoor Recreation will help me extensively in this goal from planning and organisation through to getting the right contacts.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Kayak (TTP Polytechnic)

Trip name: Week 1 Kayaking TTP
Location: Greymouth public pool, Kapitea Reservoir, Grey River, Lake Brunner,
Arnold River, Lower Arahura River.

Duration: 4 day intensive learning
Weather: great
Group members: Group 2 TTP Students
Grade: 1-2
Key learning: Rolling, strokes, river navigation
Incidents: Nill

Packing up on Lake Brunner to go to the Arnold

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