
Goal 1 (short term)

Finish the 2 year Outdoor Recreation programme to the best of my ability one day at a time.

Kayak, climbing sub goal: being able to smoothly teach Lisa (my partner) all I have learned confidently an improve my own skills in the process.

Kayak skill goal:Be able to consecutively pull off a hand roll.

Rock climbing Skill Goal: streathen and learn better techniques with my body to be able to hold my self on over hanging ledgers.

Bush Skill Goal: Learn names and stories involved with tramps I do

Goal 2 (mid term)
Advance into a career in outdoor pursuits from the skills I have gained from this two year programme and share my love of outdoor pursuits and enthusiasm with others.

Goal 3 (long term)
Bike around the world fundraising for cancer, write a book of this adventure and myself. Outdoor Recreation will help me extensively in this goal from planning and organisation through to getting the right contacts.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Bush (Personal)

Location: Totara Valley up the Mikonui River.

Duration: Day trip
Weather: Fine
Group members: Lisa Hamker, Myself and two DOC Rangers
Track names/route: Wlaked up Mikonui River Looking for Blue Ducks
Grade: Medium
Key learning: Learning about and how to find and catch Blue Ducks
Incidents: Two male blue ducks had a fight
Lisa chasing ducks

After Catching we remove tags weigh and release.

Quick photo before we let it go.

Kayak (Personal Sea)

Trip name/river section:  Pacific Ocean Kaikora

Location: Seal colony Kaikora
Duration: day trip
Weather: Amazing Summer Day
Flow: Small waves
Group members: 2 Lisa Hamker and Myself
Grade: 1
  Key learning: Water is cold in Kaikora
 Incidents: Nil
Seal having a bath
Lisa and Seal

Bush (Personal)

Location: Around Mt Ruapehu
Duration: 6 days 5 nights
Weather: Rain, Wind, Sun, Cold, Warm
Group members: Lisa Hamker and Myself
Track names/route: Start at Whakapapa Village walk Clockwise around Ruapehu
Grade: Hard, river crossings and un-formed tracks
Key learning: Don’t distract people
Incidents: Lisa twisted her ankle on second to last day not far from hut. Lisa Stayed at hut I walked the 2 day section back to whakapapa where I then drove around to the Turoa side, walked back to hut and walked out the next day.
Walking towards Ruapehu
Chess at the end of the day

Kayak (Personal Lake)

Trip name/river section:  Lake Waikaremoana

Location: Lake Waikaremoana
Duration: day trip
Weather: Amazing Summer Day
Flow: No flow
Group members: 2 Lisa Hamker and Myself
Grade: 1
  Key learning: Easy fun day no learning
 Incidents: Nil
Heading home
Lisa Infront of a flowering Rata

Kayak (Personal Sea)

Trip name/river section:  Bay of Islands / Urupakaka Island
Location: Start at end of Rawhiti Rd Kayak around Island and camp on island return to Rawhiti Rd
Duration: 2 days 1 night
Weather: Amazing Summer Days
Flow: Easy flow small waves
Group members: 2 Lisa Hamker and Myself
Grade: 1
  Key learning: Don’t Skinny dip and body surf near rocks.
 Incidents: I smashed head on rock after trip while Body surfing
Hole in my head

Cycling (Personal)

Location: Europe

Duration: 30 days 29 nights
Weather: Rain, Wind, Sun, Cold, Warm
Group members: Myself
Track names/route: Start in Switzerland bike through France, England, Holland and Germany ending back in Switzerland
Grade: Hard through Switzerland, few hills is fance easy riding everywhere else
Key learning: Learning different cultures and meeting interesting people
Incidents: Nil
On the River Rhine in Germany
Biking through Switzerland

Kayak (Personal river)

Trip name/river section: Whanganui River Journey

Location: Whanganui River, Start Whakahoro, Finish Pipiriki
Duration: 3 days 2 nights
Weather: Light rain and sunshine
Flow: Easy flow
Group members: 2 Lisa Hamker and Myself
Grade: 1
  Key learning: Not much it was a nice easy journey
 Incidents: Nill
Lift that hand up Scott
Bridge to nowhere

Bush (Personal)

Location: Dusky Track Fiord land National Park
Duration: 10 Days 9 Nights
Weather: Rain, Snow, Wind
Group members: Myself and Lisa Hamker
Track names/route: Dusky Track: start at Lake Hauroko, Mid point Dusky Sound, Finish  Lake Manapouri
Grade: Hard… Knee deep in mud or steep climps
Key learning: Don’t rest to long on a break it all ads up
Incidents: Had to sleep one night in bush as it was to dark to navigate to hut once it got dark
The Dusky Sound (we sleeped just to the right of this picture)
Playing in the creek
Getting free on my birthday

Bush (Personal)

Location: Franz Josef Glacier

Duration: 2 x Day walks
Weather: Sunny in morning clouding over in afternoon
Group members: Myself and Lisa Hamker
Track names/route: Roberts Point Track and  Alex Knob Track
Grade: medium
Key learning: Don’t run down the mountain
Incidents: Twisted ankle found out 2 months later was broken

Franz Josef Glacier Reflected in Peters Pool
 X-ray of my broken ankle

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Bush (Personal)

Location: Heaphy Track
Duration: 4 days 3 nights
Weather: Sunny weather through out tramp apart from first night windy and rainy
Group members: Myself and Lisa Hamker
Track names/route: Heaphy Track start in Aorere Valley and finish on West Coast
Grade: medium
Key learning: Cover up sand flies are bad at the Heaphy river mouth
Incidents: Nill
Massive Rata
Sunset at Heaphy river mouth

Bush (Personal)

Location: Able Tasman National Park
Duration: 4 days 3 nights
Weather: Over caste and clearing everyday, heavy rain first night,
Group members: Myself and Lisa Hamker
Track names/route: Able Tasman Track start in Marahau finish in Totaranui Rd and hitched to Heaphy track
Grade: medium
Key learning: if you have two tents one good but small  one shit but big use the good but small one it is more comfortable in the long run.
Incidents: Bad leaky tent on first night
Beautiful Able Tasman

Hugging a Rock looking like an Elephant

Bush (Personal)

Location: Mt Taranaki
Duration: 4 days 3 nights
Weather: Raining and very windy on first day fined up to great weather for the other 3 days
 Group members: Myself and Lisa Hamker
Track names/route: The Pouakai track started and finish at DOC office.
Grade: medium
Key learning: Step ridges and strong wind do not mix
 Incidents: Nill
On the rear occasion the cloud cleared to see Mt Taranaki.
Thats Life!

Bush (Personal)

·         Location: Tongariro National Park (Northern Circuit)

·         Duration: 2 days 1 night
·         Weather: Fine in morning clouds gathering around mountain and raining by afternoon (same both days)
·         Group members: Myself, Rob from the UK, Meet and added Lisa Hamker on second day.
·         Track names/route: Start and finish Whakapapa Village
·         Grade: steep up hill and long day first day (3 day sections in first day)
·         Key learning: Amazing how the weather changes on mountains
·         Incidents: Nill

·         Pictures:
Mt Ngauruhoe Looking like it is smoking away sad to say it is just a cloud.

The Emerald Lakes on top of Mt Tongariro you can see how
the cloud has gathered over the day

Lisa, Myself and Rob couldn't afford the weight of hiking
boots on my bike hence mine and Robs shoes